Friday, June 8, 2018

Kabul Beauty School: An American Woman Goes behind the Veil By Deborah Rodriguez [Audiobook]

Publisher's Summary

Most Westerners working in Afghanistan spend their time tucked inside a military compound or embassy. Not Deborah Rodriguez. Here, she tells the story of the beauty school she founded in the middle of Kabul and of the vibrant women who were her students.When Rodriguez opened the Kabul Beauty School, she not only empowered her students with a new sense of autonomy but also made some of the closest friends of her life. Woven through the book are the stories of her students: the newlywed who must fake her virginity; the 12-year-old sold into marriage to pay her family's debts; and a woman who pursues her training despite her Taliban husband's constant beatings. They all bring their stories to the beauty school, where, along with Rodriguez herself, they learn the art of perms, friendship, and freedom.
Duration: 8 hours 59 minutes 40 seconds
BitRate: 95 kbps
File Format: .Mp3
File Size: 347.7 MB



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